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For well over a century, Calvert’s user-friendly learning has enabled thousands of families to discover the amazing benefits of education at home. That’s why we make sure our homeschool programs today are the best academically, while keeping them contemporary, fun, and engaging for your family.

What can you achieve with Calvert?
Download and print this mini-poster and fill in the space with a recent accomplishment or something you’d like to achieve by the end of the school year. DOWNLOAD NOW

Honoring Those Who Have Served
Calvert Print Curriculum

Print Curriculum

Calvert’s kid-friendly courses for grades K-5 enhance learning for young children with eye-catching lessons in the core subjects of history and geography, language arts, math, and science.

Calvert Online Curriculum

Online Curriculum

With Calvert’s homeschool program for grades 3-12, you gain access to over 45 online courses covering the core subjects of history and geography, language arts, mathematics, science, and spelling via subscription. Plus, with access to courses across 10 grade levels, you can customize learning to meet the specific needs of your child.