Endless Possibilities, Unlimited Potential
Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses teach students the skills needed to prepare them
for further education and careers in current or emerging professions. All Calvert career courses
provide students with the academic and technical skills, knowledge, and training necessary to
succeed in future careers and become lifelong learners.
Follow your child's interests and choose from over 55 career courses to add depth and variety to your traditional courses!
Follow your child's interests and choose from over 55 career courses to add depth and variety to your traditional courses!
Help Them Discover Their Future,
One Elective at a Time
One Elective at a Time
Business Management & Administration
Government & Public Administration
Health Sciences
- Careers in Allied Health
➜ - Introduction to Careers in the Health Sciences
➜ - Nursing: Unlimited Possibilities and Unlimited Potential
➜ - Physicians, Pharmacists, Dentists, Veterinarians, and Other Doctors
➜ - Public Health: Discovering the Big Picture in Health Care
➜ - Therapeutics: The Art of Restoring and Maintaining Wellness
Information Technology
- Fundamentals of Computer Systems
➜ - Fundamentals of Programming and Software Development
➜ - Introduction to Information Technology
➜ - Introduction to Information Technology Support and Services
➜ - Introduction to Network Systems
➜ - Network System Design
➜ - New Applications: Web Development in the 21st Century
➜ - Software Development Tools
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security
Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM)
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics