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Keep learning fun and stress free with these 10 homeschooling hacks!

1. Give older kids independence. Consider student-led curriculum for your older kids who can work through tasks without help. This can reduce your stress while teaching and encouraging independence.

2. Keep track of daily tasks on a whiteboard in your classroom where everyone can view it to stay organized and encourage accountability. Wipe off each lesson as they’re completed.

3. Designate a weekday to complete all your planning for the following week. Weekly planning can take a couple of hours a day, but it can help you get prepared for the week to come. Consider using an app to assist in your planning.

4. Implement quiet time for yourself and children. Downtime benefits everyone in the family and gives you a break from the school day.

5. Take learning outside the classroom. Go to the library, complete a lesson outside, or visit the local park. This not only breaks up the week, but also keeps your kids engaged in learning.

6. Use free educational content. YouTube has tons of videos that can be used as a supplemental resource to your curriculum. Videos are a great tool to reinforce lessons and concepts and help your child retain information.

7. Have a morning routine. Try to do the same thing every morning, so your kids know what to expect and can prepare for the day on their own.

8. Use group learning when possible. Learning together as a family brings you closer together and allows for older children to assist in teaching younger children.

9. Pick a schedule that works for you. The best part of homeschooling is the flexibility and freedom to pick hours that work for you and your family. The ability to adjust your schedule can help you complete everything in a reasonable time and reduce stress levels.

10. Give your kids daily chores. Chores teach your children responsibility while allowing them to contribute to the household and help keep things running smoothly.

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