Homeschooling is a community, which is why so many homeschoolers are proud to share their homeschool journey and experiences. Check out what these real homeschoolers shared about what they wish they knew about homeschooling before they started.
What is one thing you wish you knew when you started your homeschool journey?
Stephanie P. – “The days are long, but the years are so incredibly fast.”
Kitty M. – “Don’t try to recreate a classroom.”
Ni Law – “There is no such thing as behind or ahead.”
Nita S. – “We all need to learn that every child and every family has different needs and learning styles.”
Casey N. – “One thing we did early on was drop the grade level off. All 3 of my kids have special needs, so they’re all over the place with development. A friend of mine told me how she doesn’t label her kids with grade levels. It’s been amazing in their development, and I LOVE it!”
Mindy K. – “That there are seasons and to not be scared – to embrace them as they come.”
Sarah V. – “I’m still learning this, but I am not ruining their chances for a good college experience.”
Jenny Z. – “Don’t worry so much about them completing everything, as other things in life can also be considered learning, too. So many things can be used toward learning if we allow it.”
Amanda W. – “I wish I would have known that their whole lives weren’t dependent on me getting every single thing right as a teacher, or providing them with every opportunity, or teaching them everything about everything.”
Cathleen T. – “To give myself grace. It will not be perfect, but it can be fun and enriching.”
Laura K. – “That it’s ok to not follow your original plan! Life gets messy, and so does schooling! Some days call for changes!”
Brooke C. – “Focus on what’s important to YOU!”
Emily M. – “STOP WORRYING!! You will be fine, and your child will be more than fine!”
Jackie B. – “That it was going to be completely worth it when she found her own way and realized how talented she really was. She’s 22 now. We started homeschool in 7th grade and went to graduation.”
Kristi P. – “That keeping a routine and schedule actually make the school days go better!”
Jessica D. – “Write all plans in pencil because they will change.”
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